Hit TV is a nationwide television broadcasting a teleshopping and advertising program, which includes a permanent commercial offer of goods and services. The license for broadcasting in the Czech Republic was granted to Hit TV s.r.o. for 12 years by the Radio and Television Broadcasting Council in 2023.

Hit TV s.r.o.
Branická 26/43, 147 00, Praha 4
Company ID: 19063300
VAT ID:CZ19063300
The company is registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 380825
Registered by: Ing. Jiří Zumr

The activities of the operator Hit TV s.r.o. are governed by the legal system of the Czech Republic. The activities of the operator Hit TV s.r.o. and the broadcast program of the Hit TV program are supervised by the Council for the Management of

Correspondence address and billing address:
Hit TV s.r.o.
Branická 26/43, 147 00, Praha 4
Company ID: 19063300
VAT ID:CZ19063300
Bank account: 3275748003/5500
Billing email: accounting@hittv.cz

Customer service phone: +420 222 222 231
Email for teleshopping clients: teleshopping@hittv.cz
Email for advertising clients : reklama@hittv.cz
Website: www.hittv.cz